We left behind our parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, seeking opportunities for a better life. Yet, once here, we long for the familiar comforts of home—our beloved foods like picante de pollo, chicharrón, cuñapé, majadito, llajua, and salteñas. Most of all, we miss our families and Bolivian friends. We search for old friends and strive to make new ones. We gather for parties, invite friends, dance during Carnival, and celebrate our Independence Day on August 6th. We cherish listening to our music, dancing, and singing our songs, often ending with a heartfelt "Viva mi Patria Bolivia."
A group of friends wanted to extend these gatherings beyond a small circle, making them inclusive for the entire Bolivian community and their friends. On January 11, 1989, Claudio Cossio, Javier Sichori, Jacqueline Sichori, Ramiro Corrales, Marcela Corrales, Jenny Corrales, Silvana Valdivia, Jose Antonio Kredler, Nestor Ballesteros, Juan-Carlos Torres, and Tatiana Torres came together to found Renacer Boliviano, turning Claudio Cossio's dream into reality.