
We left behind our parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, seeking opportunities for a better life. Yet, once here, we long for the familiar comforts of home—our beloved foods like picante de pollo, chicharrón, cuñapé, majadito, llajua, and salteñas. Most of all, we miss our families and Bolivian friends. We search for old friends and strive to make new ones. We gather for parties, invite friends, dance during Carnival, and celebrate our Independence Day on August 6th. We cherish listening to our music, dancing, and singing our songs, often ending with a heartfelt "Viva mi Patria Bolivia." A group of friends wanted to extend these gatherings beyond a small circle, making them inclusive for the entire Bolivian community and their friends. On January 11, 1989, Claudio Cossio, Javier Sichori, Jacqueline Sichori, Ramiro Corrales, Marcela Corrales, Jenny Corrales, Silvana Valdivia, Jose Antonio Kredler, Nestor Ballesteros, Juan-Carlos Torres, and Tatiana Torres came together to found Renacer Boliviano, turning Claudio Cossio's dream into reality.

Yet once here we long for our food, picante de pollo, chicharrón, cuñape, majadito, our llajua, our salteñas, and most of all we miss our families and our Bolivian friends. We look for old friends and we try to make new friends. We attend our parties and we invite our friends, we dance in Carnival and celebrate August 6 (Our Independence Day). We enjoy listening and dancing to our music and enjoy singing our songs and almost always before we depart, we all sing "Viva mi Patria Bolivia". A group of friends wanted to make these gatherings accessible not only to a small group of friends but make them inclusive to the Bolivian community and their friends. On January 11, 1989 Claudio Cossio, Javier Sichori, Jacqueline Sichori, Ramiro Corrales, Marcela Corrales, Jenny Corrales, Silvana Valdivia, Jose Antonio Kredler, Nestor Ballesteros, Juan-Carlos Torres and Tatiana Torres met and founded Renacer Boliviano and the dream of our founder Claudio Cossio became reality.

A group of friends wanted to make these gatherings accessible not only to a small group of friends but make them inclusive to the Bolivian community and their friends. On January 11, 1989 Claudio Cossio, Javier Sichori, Jacqueline Sichori, Ramiro Corrales, Marcela Corrales, Jenny Corrales, Silvana Valdivia, Jose Antonio Kredler, Nestor Ballesteros, Juan-Carlos Torres and Tatiana Torres met and founded Renacer Boliviano and the dream of our founder Claudio Cossio became reality.

Comunidad Renacer Boliviano

Our Mission

Renacer Boliviano is dedicated to supporting those in need within Bolivia and its community in the United States. We strive to provide essential assistance while also promoting and preserving Bolivian culture. Through our efforts, we aim to uplift individuals and families, fostering a sense of unity and cultural pride.

Renacer Boliviano by the numbers

Tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc.
Tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium.

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Donation in 2024
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Meet Our Volunteers

Tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc. Tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium.

Gabriel Watkins

Gabriel Watkins


Veronica Cooper

Veronica Cooper


Jessica Anderson

Jessica Anderson


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